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With the rapidly expanding use of electrical and electronic products globally, and the resulting growth in e-waste, more and more jurisdictions are enacting WEEE regulations. Avaya closely monitors such developing WEEE legislation and complies with applicable regulations. We also join approved compliance organizations to ensure our collection and recycling obligations are met.

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Empowering Nine Million People: Edenor Enhances Customer Experience with Avaya Voice and Digital Channels

Edenor, Argentina's largest energy distributor, serves over 3 million customers in Buenos Aires, impacting more than 9 million lives. With an annual influx of 5.5 million calls, 200,000 social media messages, and 100,000 SMS, the demand for round-the-clock support is critical. Facing the challenge of evolving its call center into an omnichannel contact center, Edenor sought to provide customers with a holistic view of their interactions.

In partnership with Avaya, Edenor revolutionized its customer service approach with Avaya's Contact Center solution, successfully managing over 5 million interactions annually across multiple communication channels. With a focus on unifying service channels and integrating new functionalities, Edenor elevated service quality and improved the overall customer experience.

Digital customer interactions

Customer service agent capacity

Increase in self-managed services

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  • Edenor wanted a comprehensive understanding of customer interactions across diverse channels to facilitate self-management and personalized assistance effectively.
  • Edenor needed to consolidate multiple service channels onto a unified platform to enhance employee efficiency.
  • Edenor sought to incorporate new functionalities to optimize service delivery and elevate the overall customer experience.

Value Created

  • With Avaya's solution, customers are empowered to handle common inquiries independently, leading to a 19% increase in self-managed services.
  • Seamless integration of new features by Avaya addresses evolving customer needs without causing disruption.
  • Avaya's solution has successfully decreased average handle time, resulting in stronger agent efficiency and increased customer satisfaction.

Avaya allowed us to meet omnichannel requirements on a single platform that was rapidly scalable and highly available, which could contain all voice channels and digital channels in an integrated way both in the historical and online reports of all interactions.

Telecommunications Manager

The Solution: Flexible Omnichannel Capabilities

Avaya's collaboration revolutionized the company's customer service approach through the implementation of the Avaya Contact Center solution. This comprehensive suite efficiently handles over 5 million interactions annually, spanning calls, social media, and SMS. By leveraging Avaya's Contact Center, Edenor gained access to tailored features that optimize service delivery and enhance the end-to-end customer journey. Avaya's advanced omnichannel capabilities empowered Edenor to seamlessly manage interactions across diverse communication channels and ensure a cohesive cross-channel experience.
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The flexibility inherent in Avaya's solution was instrumental in addressing Edenor's challenges, particularly in managing its expanding customer base. It enabled operations to scale during peak periods and incorporated new integrated channels to meet evolving customer preferences, all without disrupting ongoing business processes or availability.

Avaya's platform also provided scalable voice and digital channels, augmented by robust reporting capabilities. The technological capacity supports 320 voice agents and digital channels, seamlessly integrated into outbound campaigns across multiple channels. Edenor benefited from enhanced segmentation, reduced waiting times, and elevated service quality through synchronized interactions across channels.

  • 260 voice agents and 160 IVR ports efficiently handle customer calls.
  • 420 voice access channels and 40 digital channel agents manage diverse communications.
  • 60 video agents and 80 video customer service stations provide personalized assistance through visual interactions.

For the customer, this integration represents a qualitative leap in their experience with Edenor. Avaya helped us improve segmentation, so that calls land the right operator without the need for transfers or additional waiting time; it also helped us lower the average handle time, and was a key contributor to the 19-percent point increase in self-managed services.

Hernán González, Chief Innovation Officer


With Avaya, you can innovate without disruption

As Edenor continues its journey toward enhancing customer service, the company places a strong emphasis on self-management, personalized service, and automation of procedures and consultations regardless of location. By empowering customers to take greater control over their interactions, Edenor envisions a future where seamless communication channels foster stronger relationships.

In this forward-looking approach, Edenor remains steadfast in its commitment to leveraging Avaya's cutting-edge technology. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and the expansion of automation in digital channels represent pivotal steps toward greater efficiency in customer interactions.

With Avaya's technology at its core, Edenor leads the way in delivering innovative solutions that redefine customer service standards in the energy sector. As the company continues to adapt to changing customer needs, its partnership with Avaya remains instrumental in driving sustainable growth and success.

About Endenor

Edenor is the largest power distributor in Argentina in terms of customer amount and power sold. Its concession area comprises 20 municipalities in the northwest of Greater Buenos Aires and the northwest area of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, which represents an area of 4,637 square kilometers and a population of approximately 9 million people. It serves more than 3 million customers through Edenordigital, the Call Center, its Facebook profile and 25 commercial offices distributed throughout the concession area. In addition, it provides answers to queries made via web through its chatbot system and by SMS. It is listed on the Buenos Aires Stock Market and as of April 24, 2007 on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

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