Avaya Learning Services
Learn to fully leverage your Avaya solution and its capabilities

A wealth of knowledge
In-depth training helps you gain a full understanding of your Avaya solution and its capabilities. Train online or in person—even earn a digital badge in your specialized area. It's all about getting the most out of your Avaya investment.
All the resources you need
Learn the capabilities of your Avaya products and solutions at your team’s pace and convenience. We host a full online learning center with best-in-industry classes.
Training that works for you
Choose the training that’s best for your needs: virtual sessions, in-person workshops, at-your-own-pace online courses, or customized sessions.
Avaya Digital Badges
Recognized worldwide, an Avaya Digital Badge represents skill attainment and expertise. The Digital Badge helps you share your achievements with your social network.
Avaya training

Avaya learning center
Our online course portal and information on the Avaya Professional Credential Program.

Course catalog
Options for your role, industry, solution, or current skill level. Classes for end users, administrators, developers, designers, and more.

Learning paths
Progress through a multi-course curriculum plan to grow your proficiency and knowledge.