Charitable giving
Avaya believes in giving back to those communities where we live and work. We support charitable organizations around the world and recognize that giving back comes in many forms, including volunteer time, product donations and financial support.

Corporate social responsibility in India
Our corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts in India are focused on community development that supports poor, deprived, and marginalized populations. We pursue CSR Programs primarily in areas that fall within the economic vicinity of the company’s operations to enable close supervision, provide opportunities for employee engagement, and ensure maximum development impact.
Members of the India CSR Committee:
- Vishal Agrawal, VP Sales & Service
- Amit Grover, Director Global Finance Shared Services—Chairman
- Prasad Iyer, Director Global Services
- Eklovya Rai Nagpal, Senior Corporate Counsel India & SAARC, Avaya India Private Limited
- Reeva Kymer, Director ESG and Philanthropy, Avaya as a non-member consultant
- Adarsh Kaul, Head of Marketing India & SAARC, as a non-member consultant

Month of Giving
Avaya’s Month of Giving brings out the best in our Avayans. Every October since 2015, we hold our Month of Giving—a spirited campaign that brings together employees, partners, suppliers and customers from around the globe. People devote time, money, and energy to support causes that are near and dear to their hearts. Over the years, we’ve logged thousands of volunteer hours and raised more than $1.3 million to support various charities worldwide.
Save the Children
Avaya has a long-standing partnership with Save the Children, a leading international humanitarian aid organization dedicated to giving children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn, and protection from harm. Since 2015, Avaya has donated more than $450,000 to Save the Children through the Avaya Matching Fund, silent auctions, and employee-driven fundraising. They have helped fund community construction of several classrooms, offices, and related structures in Mozambique, Uganda, Afghanistan, and Vietnam.

Charitable donations and sponsorships
Avaya donates money and product (as requested by the sales and marketing teams) to organizations that focus on healthcare and education. Processes are in place to vet the organizations we sponsor to ensure they meet our standards and expectations as well to ensure appropriate internal approvals. In FY2021, we donated more than $225,000 through sponsorships and benefitted several community organizations with in-kind donations of chairs, tables, and other workplace assets.
Vetting includes ensuring that the charitable organization is:
- Nonpartisan and adheres to fundamental human rights principles
- Not controlled by government officials
- Nondiscriminatory
- Not-for-profit
- Reputable