在 Avaya,我们用一腔热忱、超高技能和敏捷能力为您的企业和客户创造非凡体验。

Jeff Johnson
View Jeff's bioJeff Johnson
凭借在全球范围内部署、迁移、集成和开发联络中心的多年经验,客户体验服务(ACES)团队知道如何应对客户所面临的任何挑战。Jeff 在 Avaya 已经工作了 32 年,当他开始一个新的客户项目时,他会尽可能多地了解该客户所处的现状以及他们需要实现的目标。由此,他可以为他们制作一张如何帮助他们的路线图。然后,Jeff 还会负责协调其他 ACES 架构师或部署团队和客户之间的协调任务。
当一位客户需要为在家办公的坐席提供 911 服务时,Jeff 带领 Avaya 与一个新的 911 供应商进行集成。“我们与该供应商进行合作,首先将他们的产品部署在我们的云中,然后再为客户在家办公的坐席的家庭地址设置了 911 定位服务。”
Jeff 表示,成为一名企业架构师“对我来说很有趣,因为它将我对技术的热爱和我与人相处的能力结合了起来。”
在 LinkedIn 上与 Jeff 取得联系

Judi Halperin
View Judi's bioJudi Halperin
Judi 主要负责北美业务,每天与 Avaya 客户一起工作,专注于提升客户体验。她定义和部署的解决方案包括定制化的自助服务和虚拟坐席设计、人工智能、语音识别、语音合成、应用程序优化等等。“我还负责管理第三方的服务供应商,包括配音和转录。”
Judi 已在 Avaya 工作了 16 年,这也磨练了她在为客户打造一流定制化解决方案方面的知识和能力。她是一个出色的问题解决者,善于倾听客户的意见并解读他们的需要和要求,从而设计出一个解决方案,并向客户介绍整个方案和所涉及的技术。
对于每个新项目,Judi 都会通过与客户公司不同角色的人员会面,以全面了解问题。她表示:“我会通过了解我所能了解到的关于客户业务的一切,包括流程、用户数据以及项目目标,来确立我作为值得信赖的客户顾问的角色。为了确保客户满意,我会帮助发现当前或未来阶段那些容易实现的目标,并从客户体验的角度洞察当前流程那些可能不太理想的方面。”
在 LinkedIn 上与 Judi 保持联络

Yong Sun
Senior Software Architect
View Yong's bioYong Sun
“I always remember a customer’s smile and handshake.”
Across the APAC region, Yong provides custom software design and development, and systems integration to customers migrating to a full or hybrid cloud solution.
On being an ACES member, Yong says, he finds the team works harmoniously to serve customers well. “There’s mutual inspiration and positive influence among colleagues. We focus on and have a strong sense of responsibility towards work.” He’s always up for a new project, where innovation is top of mind and experience can be gained. To keep meeting customers’ new needs, “I am committed to staying up to date with the latest technology and market trends.”
He keeps customer satisfaction in the forefront by paying attention and communicating with customers from past projects, proactively reaching out, and quickly responding to any customer concerns. The goal, he says, “is to always ensure system stability and continuous improvement for customers.”

Tyler Keck
View Tyler's bioTyler Keck
Tyler 是 Avaya 的一位经验丰富的安全规范负责人,在满足客户需求和超越客户期望方面拥有 30 年的成功经验。作为先行者,Tyler 前往全世界,为 Avaya 客户开发安全的统一通信解决方案。
Tyler 提供广阔的视野、耐心的指导和全力支持,让 Avaya 的安全规范一直保持在世界前沿地位。无论面对何种挑战,他的团队都会迎难而上,为复杂问题创造出最佳的解决方案。
经过深思熟虑所创造出来的良好体验,是不断推动 Tyler 追求卓越的动力。他对提供最高水准的支持服务充满热情,并不断地帮助 Avaya 的客户实现他们的业务目标。我们的客户经常对他的专业知识和全情投入的服务态度表示感谢。
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Jessica Fend
Cloud Enterprise Architect
View Jessica's bioJessica Fend
“I love serving as a trusted advisor for our customers.”
With a distinguished career spanning several years in Avaya, Jessica has been instrumental in architecting advanced solutions for Avaya's enterprise clients. Her role brings her directly to Avaya customers, where her knowledge and experience customizing existing Avaya products, developing novel solutions, and designing intricate integrations make her a valuable resource for cloud and experience platform clients.
Taking ownership is a cornerstone of Jessica's success. She thrives on the opportunity to bring people together to solve complex problems. Customer satisfaction is a lasting commitment for Jessica. She achieves that satisfaction through robust solution designs, meticulous testing, and a relentless pursuit of the best user experiences and returns on investment.

Julio Cesar Peña
Technical Lead
View Julio's bioJulio Cesar Peña
“Knowing that I contribute to enabling our clients to deliver enhanced services to their users gives me a strong sense of purpose and fulfillment.”
With 7 years at Avaya, Julio serves as a Technical Lead in robust implementations. He spearheads voice services integration, ensuring quality and security. Julio's expertise spans networking and security, making him an indispensable asset for Avaya clients.
Julio focuses on consistently embracing new technologies to be able to adapt to evolving landscapes. This provides him not only with immense professional satisfaction but also empowers him to excel as a consultant and leader, ensuring that Avaya continues to deliver exceptional service to our clients.
Whether starting a new project or collaborating directly with clients, Julio focuses on effective communication to build trust and create an environment that provides Avaya clients with the best knowledge-sharing techniques, tools, and practices. Customer focus and solutions are always top-of-mind for Julio, as shown by his dedication to all of our clients.

Nichioka Fabio
Professional Services
View Nichioka's bioNichioka Fabio
“We put ourselves in the customer's shoes to understand their needs and deliver solutions that truly meet them."
For nearly 17 years, Fábio has been a driving force within Avaya's Professional Services team in Brazil. Whether it’s managing projects marked by complexity and challenges, meticulous planning, risk assessment, or delivering services that exceed customer expectations, Fábio leverages his expertise to prepare impactful solutions and explore alternatives for clients.
When embarking on a new project or engaging with a client, Fábio's approach includes understanding the client's business, collaborating with the pre-sales team, and evaluating the best implementation strategy.
Fábio ensures lasting customer satisfaction by sharing knowledge with support teams, operations, and the customer's technical staff. This dissemination of knowledge expedites problem-solving and empowers customers to harness Avaya's solutions fully.

Ricardo Kaligari
View Ricardo's bioRicardo Kaligari
Ricardo 是一位屡获殊荣的问题解决专家,拥有 22 年 Avaya 尖端技术所累积的丰富经验。他负责管理、保护并协助部署 Avaya 统一通信解决方案和联络中心的新产品。在我们的总部,Ricardo 被誉为“魔术师”。
每当挑战出现时,Ricardo 会迅速抓住机会解决问题。他直接与客户合作,在问题出现之前排除故障、解决问题并预见需求。他以解决方案为导向,以客户为中心,拥有将复杂技术概念转化为通俗易懂的语言的沟通能力。Ricardo 和他的团队凭借对客户期望的深刻理解,帮助客户取得成功,并提供细致入微的客户服务。
Ricardo 十分热爱他的工作,这也反映在他的工作中。客户深知在与这个 Avaya 团队合作时,他们总能得到贴心的关照和一对一的服务。
看看 Ricardo 在 LinkedIn 上有什么新动态

Craig Schnoor
View Craig's bioCraig Schnoor
Craig 是一位解决方案架构师,他热衷于创造愉快的客户体验。他在 Avaya 工作的 11 年里,Craig 帮助我们为公共部门设计了一些最强大的解决方案。
Craig 为项目提供了以质量为中心的愿景和所需的技术能力,这些也是确保 Avaya 客户取得成功所必需的要素。对 Craig 来说,建立持久的客户关系意味着找出项目中的未知因素,消除不确定性。
凭借他对细节的敏锐把控和能够从多个角度解决问题的能力,Craig 一直在帮助客户从技术上将梦想变为现实。“不可阻挡”这个词,曾多次用来形容他。

David McGlynn
Enterprise Architect
View David's bioDavid McGlynn
"Solving problems and contributing to corporate success drive my passion."
With three years at Avaya, David is an adept Enterprise Architect specializing in cloud architecture design and integration. He collaborates closely with sales and customers, translating requirements into actionable solutions. David's expertise encompasses strategy development, low-level planning, and overseeing essential quality assurance and disaster recovery tests.
David's hallmark is overcoming challenges through leadership, consulting, and communication skills. David focuses on uniting internal and external teams, culminating in the realization of customer goals.
David ensures customer satisfaction by meticulously preparing handover documentation, facilitating knowledge transfer, and remaining accessible long after go-live. His commitment is matched only by his passion for fostering outstanding contact center experiences in Avaya's evolving cloud platform.