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Kim Howland

Kim Howland

Global Vice President, Marketing

Kim Howland is the Global Vice President, Marketing at Avaya. She leads marketing efforts in support of the iconic Avaya brand and content, creative digital and web, corporate communications, events, and influencer relations. In addition, she leads our global voice of the customer programs, working across the organization to help drive customer-centric innovation.
Kim is a strategic, forward-thinking professional known for her strategic mindset, data-driven approach, and collaborative leadership style. She excels in aligning cross-functional teams to spearhead transformative initiatives that fuel Avaya’s overall business growth. She brings an effective blend of business expertise and technical acumen, and a passion for creating a sense of community in motivating and developing teams to outperform expectations as they position the company for growing success. 
With over two decades of experience in marketing leadership roles, Kim has consistently led for success at prestigious organizations such as Verizon, CenturyLink, CGI, and Costar always focused on understanding and meeting customer needs.

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